Elizabeth SpiersVerified account @espiers May 28 Follow Following Unfollow Blocked Unblock Pending Cancel More
My response to a right-wing blogger who called me a kook and a loser for stating that Donald Trump is a liar / water is wet: Elizabeth Spiers Let me tell you a story, Doug: my opinion about Trump is formed by, among other things, actual real-life interaction the family and having covered the business he’s in, where he’s such a notorious liar that a friend of his once said of him, “he’d lie to you about the time of day it is, just for the practice.” And that was a FRIEND. So when I was the editor of the New York Observer and Jared Kushner and I were going back and forth about how the paper should cover him, I told Jared that I was particularly appalled by his father-in-law’s birtherism stance, which I viewed as cynical and racist. He rolled his eyes and said, “he doesn’t really believe it. Elizabeth. He just knows Republicans are stupid and they’ll buy it.” And sadly, he was apparently right. But let’s be clear: he was talking about you, Doug. Trump did not con Democrats; he conned—and is still conning—his base. So you have every right to your gullibility, and I won’t try to deprive you of it, but personally, I’d rather know what the hell is going on.